Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day Two Editing

With most of my raw footage on my timeline, I was able to see what I had. Unfortunately, I could also see what I didn't have. More specifically, I HEARD what I didn't have. The voice over was random. By that, I mean Ted spoke in broken sentences with long bizarre pauses and used tech lingo that really confused me. I was gonna need a new voice over track and also needed some additional footage. With some shifting and trimming, I started getting creative about covering my lack of footage. I tried to isolate the video I would need reshot. It took me a few hours to write out a complete script. This script was solely for Ted to read on tape. With the script I gave some very important tips to give the audio/voice over a good sound. Tips included, smiling during speech. It is audible on the tape. I wrote to be aware of background noise and to always read to line before taping it. I knew that parts of the script would be changed. I expected and still I wanted a clear and clean take of each line. What I received from this submittal was a rather droning rendition. The quality was good though. The reading was accurate, but the smiling part was dropped. The result was a net in the positive.

The retakes were shot with me as the stand in. I mostly was looking for cleaner tighter shots that clearly convey the actions taking place. While shooting, I added some scenes that may or may not have been necessary. On screne they read so different from the set. I'm glad I did. I used three more shots than I planned for.

When I got all the video and vocals I wanted, I turned my eyes to a musical score of some sort. The client requested uncopywritten music. More specifically, I couldn't rip off the Stones for the musical track. Whatever, I know guys who create music. I make an appointment with my music guy, and with some personal events to attend to, I put the video on the back burner for a few days.

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