Thursday, July 22, 2010

In case anyone is reading this...

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  I will admit, at times, it feels like I have.  Some big changes have happened.  Me and the Mrs. have moved from the "greater-Seattle-area" down south to the "greater-Portland-area".  We have an offer in on a house and are less-than patiently awaiting a response.  Seriously, any day now we should receive word of an acceptance or counter-offer.  With all that extra stress on our backs, we are living (temporarily) with my in-laws.  It is a full house.  Sandy has been given her same job back where she worked before and is travelling ALL the time.  She hasn't had a full week at home since she started.  Don't fret about me. 
I'm filling my hours with Massage School.  Without exaggerating my own performance, I believe I'm doing quite well in school.  So far this term, I have taken swedish massage and spa therapies.  Swedish, for those who aren't aware, is generally accepted as a lighter massage.  Emphasis is on circulation and lymphatic drainage.  However, we touch (no pun intended) on deeper concepts and approaches in this modality.  So far I have written my own 1 hour routine (and executed multiple times) and even was able to perform said massage completely blindfolded.  This does include the delicate situation of proper/modest draping while blindfolded.  My pragmatic side came out and I somewhat aggressively insisted upon the 1/2 body drape with leaves either the left or right half of the posterior of the client uncovered.  My reasoning is that awkward and time-consuming draping cuts into my massage routine.  It is to the clients benefit because I can transition between regions of the body quickly and it doesn't break up the fluidity of my massage.  In spa therapies class we snail along and sample various spa treatments.  I am amazed at the value of certain treatments that really do have a relaxing affect on the body.  The tea towel applied in the same way the old barber shops used to do is a fantastic way to sooth and relax. 
Next term, I'll be taking; anatomy & physiology, kinesiology, and spa therapies II.  Most all of the students around school complain about this line-up of classes.  A&P and Kines' are difficult and fast paced.  Most college level classes are spread out over a year.  Even then it is a tough load to handle.  I'm trying to get a drop on things with my muscle quiz app on my iPhone and using (anytime I can) the true name of the muscle or muscles I work on.  Surprisingly, aknowledging them when I work on them is the most affective since it forces me to file them in my mind with the practical location and function.  I'd like to have a fantastic grasp on A&P and Kines'.  I think it will go a long way towards my goal of applying my massage therapy to injury recovery and improving my clients' quality of life.  Knock on wood...

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